Sunday, August 12, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Tag! You're it!
This is just like one of those "get to know your friends better" Tagging means that I do my "top four" in the following categories, and then tag four more people.

Favorite four jobs I've held:
*Massage Therapist
*Office Manager/Medical Biller for a chiropractic office
*Child Development Specialist (a.k.a MOM)

Four movies I can watch over and over again:
* Truthfully, I don't like watching movies more then once

Four places I have lived:
*Granada Hills "The Valley"
*Payson "Hell"
*Carlsbad "Heaven"
*San Marcos "Tijuana"

Four T.V. shows I watch:
*The O'Reilly Factor
*Property Ladder
*What Not to Wear
*Suze Orman

Four places I've been on vacation:
*Costa Rica
*Backpacked London, Ireland and Scotland
*Cuernavaca, Mexico
*St. Maarten, Caribbean

Four favorite foods:
*Thai Food
*Hummus and Pita Bread
*Thrifty's Ice Cream

Four websites I visit:
*Fellow Bloggers

Four people I'm tagging now:


Melissa said...

Very interesting! Youv'e been so many places...lucky jerk! How was Gavins B-day?